Female / 23 years old
Crooked Teeth
Moderate crowding in both arches, maxillary protrusion, class II relation
Upper and lower
Expander to create space to solve the crowding and to give a better shape the maxillary arches
10 months
U shape arches, aligned theeth, improvement in the overjet and buccal relation
Use of expander avoided need for IPR or protrusion
Female / 24 years old
Upper teeth behind the lower ones
Maxillary incisors in crossbite. Class I molar relationship bilaterally. Minor crowding.
Upper and lower
Expander to create space to solve the crowding and to give a better shape to maxillary arches. Proclination to solve the crossbite.
10.5 months
Corrected anterior crossbite and crowding. Buccal relationships were maintained.
Use of expander avoided need for IPR
Male/29 years old
Deep bite
Increased overbite and overjet, crowding in the mandibular arch, class I relation
Protrusion of the maxillary incisors
8 months
Aligned teeth, improvement in the overjet and overbite, buccal relation maintained
Protrusion of the mandibular incisors improved the deep bite and made IPR not necessary
Female/25 years old
Gaps and open bite
Diastema between #11 and #21, #32 and #33, increased overjet and negative overbite, decreased interincisor angle. Presence of #85 due to agenesis of #45
Retrusion of the incisors without changing the buccal relation
8 Months
Gaps closed, improvement in the overjet, overbite of 0 mm
Relative extrusion of the incisors to improve the overjet and overbite
Female/35 years old
Crooked Teeth
Moderate to severe crowding in both arches, #12 and #22 in cross bite, rotated maxillary central incisors, mandibular incisors retroclined, class I relation
Upper and lower
Skeletal class III tendency
12 Months
Aligned teeth, correction of the cross bite, maintained buccal relation
IPR performed to create space to solve the crowding